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I regularly run into people who struggle with housing and meeting basic needs of survival.

LGBTQ+ BIPoC disproportionately face unemployment, under employment, food insecurity, living with unstable housing or are chronically unhoused.

Yet every time I ask to discuss cooperative strategies I'm either ghosted or attacked personally.

That makes sense among those who believe in class competition, that dog eat dog capitalism defines life, but I often face off with people who promote themselves as advocates for Anarchism and or Marxist/Leninists Communism.

They frequently attack with easy to disprove claims, often identical to Faux Free Market Capitalists — that Co-operatives:
• have been "proven" not to work,
• steal support from "real" activism,
• are popular with hipsters who extract while contributing nothing to local communities,
• only create a few low paying jobs with no benefits before failing and leaving communities worse than before.
#BlackMastodon, #LGBTQ, #Trans, #SolidarityEconomics, #COOP
Wasn't aware of this dynamic (so thanks). I've always seen Cooperatives doing great stuff... I get that they aren't communism, but within the world in which we all actually live, they seem to do some good stuff for people, against the interests of the bad people. I clearly need some educating or something?