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Check out how land is used in the United States. Cows take up the most space!

First in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This 8,000 pixel weighted cartogram of the United States shows the distribution of land for different purposes, including cow pastures, timberland, urban housing areas, and Christmas trees. A huge area of land is used by cows.
This map shows only people. It is a beautiful illustration of where people are concentrated.

If you squint, you can see Australia and New Zealand.

Map by Alasdair Rae https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/3d-map
Third in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This is a density map of the world's population with no other countries boundaries. It is difficult to discern Australia and New Zealand because  people are not very concentrated in these countries.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Jahre her)
Check out this scatterplot of health spending per capita (x axis) & life expectancy (y axis) in OECD countries (lines = averages).

The United States sits alone in the bottom right quadrant due to its much higher spending and below-average life expectancy.

More info: https://oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/ae3016b9-en/1/3/1/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/ae3016b9-en&_csp_=ca413da5d44587bc56446341952c275e&itemIGO=oecd&itemContentType=book
Fourth in a 🧵of #2022TopToots
Here's a scatterplot of health spending per capita (x axis) and life expectancy (y axis) in OECD countries. The lines represent averages. 

One country sits alone in the bottom right quadrant due to its much higher health spending and below-average life expectancy.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Jahre her)
Estimated gender pay gap within job (same occupation at same firm)
🇯🇵 Japan 26%
🇰🇷 S Korea 19%
🇺🇸 US 14%
🇩🇪 Germany 13%
🇪🇸 Spain 12%
🇮🇱 Israel 12%
🇨🇦 Canada 12%
🇳🇴Norway 9%
🇫🇷 France 7%
From study https://nature.com/articles/s41562-022-01470-z#
by @OlivierGodechot & 28 others
Fifth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Table with coefficients from various Ordinary Least Squares regressions modeling gender gaps in pay in 15 countries.
Be sure to catch the end of this clever NASA "climate spiral" video showing monthly global temperature changes between 1880 and 2021
Sixth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This amazing map shows travel time from London to the rest of the world in 1881
Seventh in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This is a map showing the very long time it took to travel from London to the rest of the world in 1881.
2022 Press Freedom Rank
1 Norway
2 Denmark
3 Sweden
16 Germany
19 Canada
24 UK
38 Taiwan
41 Burkina Faso
42 US
71 Japan
86 Israel
110 Brazil
119 Qatar
149 Turkey
150 India
155 Russia
168 Egypt
175 China
178 Iran
180 N Korea
Eighth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This is a map color-coded to match the general condition of freedom of the press in each country.
Check this out -- major cities in North America replaced by major cities across the Atlantic at the same latitude.

The Gulf Stream makes winters less severe in many European cities than it is in their U.S./Canadian counterparts.
Ninth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This map shows major cities in North America being replaced by major cities across the Atlantic at the same latitude. For example, Seattle is replace with Zurich.
Can you spot the circles?

It took me a long time. Once you see them, they'll seem obvious.

This is the Coffer Illusion, by Anthony Norcia
Tenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This is an optical illusion. Circles are initially hard to distinguish for many people.
80% of Black Americans said social media help shed light on rarely discussed issues; the same share of White Americans said these sites distract from more important issues.
https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/07/11/public-attitudes-toward-political-engagement-on-social-media/ #PewResearch
Twelfth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Chart showing 80% of Black Americans said social media help shed light on rarely discussed issues; the same share of White Americans said these sites distract from more important issues.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Jahre her)
Which US state has the largest share of people with ancestry from each European country?
Thirteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This map of Europe labels European countries with the name of the US state that has the largest share of people claiming ancestry from that country. For example, Spain is labeled "New Mexico" and France is labeled "Maine."

Nissa Tolton hat dies geteilt

Check out this cool elevation map of the contiguous US

Fourteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This is a 3d elevation map of the contiguous United States.
The US is the only country with more civilian guns than people
Fifteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Chart showing number of civilian owned guns per 100 people in various countries. The US number - 120.5 - is much higher than any other country.
Workers working 60+ hours a week in one job
🇹🇷 Turkey 15%
🇨🇴 Colombia 14%
🇲🇽 Mexico 13%
🇬🇷 Greece 10%
🇰🇷 S Korea 8%
🇨🇱 Chile 7%
🇯🇵 Japan 6%
🇦🇺 Australia 6%
🇫🇷 France 5%
🇬🇧 UK 4%
🇺🇸 US 3%
🇨🇦 Canada 3%
🇪🇸 Spain 3%
🇫🇮 Finland 2%
🇩🇪 Germany 2%
🇩🇰 Denmark 2%
🇸🇪 Sweden 1%
🇳🇴 Norway 1%
Seventeenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Chart shows share of workers working 60 hours a week or more, ranging from 15% in Turkey to less than 1% in Lithuania
We worry about the wrong things. Exhibit A:

People killed annually by
Sharks 10
Elephants 100
Hippos 500
Snails 10,000
Dogs 25,000
Snakes 50,000
People 475,000
Mosquitoes 725,000

Eighteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
This chart shows that mosquitoes are responsible for more than 700,000 deaths a year whereas sharks kill about 10 people a year.