Check out how land is used in the United States. Cows take up the most space!
First in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
First in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Here’s How America Uses Its Land
The 48 contiguous states alone are a 1.9 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures.Bloomberg
Conrad Hackett :verified: • Second in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
If you squint, you can see Australia and New Zealand.
Map by Alasdair Rae
Third in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
3D Map: The World's Largest Population Density Centers
Visual CapitalistConrad Hackett :verified: •
The United States sits alone in the bottom right quadrant due to its much higher spending and below-average life expectancy.
More info:
Fourth in a 🧵of #2022TopToots
oecd-ilibrary.orgConrad Hackett :verified: •
🇯🇵 Japan 26%
🇰🇷 S Korea 19%
🇺🇸 US 14%
🇩🇪 Germany 13%
🇪🇸 Spain 12%
🇮🇱 Israel 12%
🇨🇦 Canada 12%
🇳🇴Norway 9%
🇫🇷 France 7%
From study
by @OlivierGodechot & 28 others
Fifth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries - Nature Human Behaviour
NatureConrad Hackett :verified: •
Sixth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Video: Climate Spiral – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the PlanetConrad Hackett :verified: •
Seventh in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
1 Norway
2 Denmark
3 Sweden
16 Germany
19 Canada
24 UK
38 Taiwan
41 Burkina Faso
42 US
71 Japan
86 Israel
110 Brazil
119 Qatar
149 Turkey
150 India
155 Russia
168 Egypt
175 China
178 Iran
180 N Korea
Eighth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
rsf.orgConrad Hackett :verified: •
The Gulf Stream makes winters less severe in many European cities than it is in their U.S./Canadian counterparts.
Ninth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
r/MapPorn - Major cities and towns in North America replaced by major cities across the Atlantic by latitude.
redditConrad Hackett :verified: •
It took me a long time. Once you see them, they'll seem obvious.
This is the Coffer Illusion, by Anthony Norcia
Tenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
Eleventh in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
r/dataisbeautiful - The railroads of the world! [OC]
redditConrad Hackett :verified: • #PewResearch
Twelfth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
1. Public attitudes toward political engagement on social media
Monica Anderson (Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech)Conrad Hackett :verified: •
Thirteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
r/MapPorn - What US State Has The Largest Ancestry In European Countries?
redditNissa Tolton hat dies geteilt
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
Fourteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
r/dataisbeautiful - US Elevation Tiles [OC]
redditConrad Hackett :verified: •
Fifteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Global Firearms Holdings
smallarmssurvey.orgConrad Hackett :verified: •
Sixteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
r/dataisbeautiful - Comment by u/Mystic_Toaster on ”University Graduate Facial Hair Styles 1898-2008 [OC]”
redditConrad Hackett :verified: •
🇹🇷 Turkey 15%
🇨🇴 Colombia 14%
🇲🇽 Mexico 13%
🇬🇷 Greece 10%
🇰🇷 S Korea 8%
🇨🇱 Chile 7%
🇯🇵 Japan 6%
🇦🇺 Australia 6%
🇫🇷 France 5%
🇬🇧 UK 4%
🇺🇸 US 3%
🇨🇦 Canada 3%
🇪🇸 Spain 3%
🇫🇮 Finland 2%
🇩🇪 Germany 2%
🇩🇰 Denmark 2%
🇸🇪 Sweden 1%
🇳🇴 Norway 1%
Seventeenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
People killed annually by
Sharks 10
Elephants 100
Hippos 500
Snails 10,000
Dogs 25,000
Snakes 50,000
People 475,000
Mosquitoes 725,000
Eighteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Conrad Hackett :verified: •
Nineteenth in a 🧵 of #2022TopToots
Nissa Tolton hat dies geteilt