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My colleague @thomasp has the most amazing clock and I have to say, I'm jealous. #Clock
Fibonacci spiral clock. The hour hand is an expanding spiral that overlaps ever widening markers to represent hours.
Interesting. It uses the property shown in this gif, that the tangent of an expanding circle maintains a constant angle with the spiral and rotates at a constant rate.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Tage her)
Here's part of the documentation that came with it
A page titled "How your clock works". 2 diagrams show the movement of the hour arm between 1:00 and 1:30. The next heading says "How are the hours positioned?". The first diagram in this section shows a Fibonacci spiral with the distances between the spiral sweeps at the same angle represented as a, b and c, where b = aX and c = bX, and X is defined as Φ⁴. The next diagram explains that the distance between the hour markers is the 1/12th root of the rate of a whole spiral turn. The final section explains that the spiral arm can be made with either a golden ratio rectangle or a fibonacci rectangle.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Tage her)