Welp. Apparently Letitia James was pushing the medically nonsensical, long-debunked, weapons-manufacturer-created "excited delirium" theory as recently as 2021. This was in response to Daniel Prude's murder at the hands of Rochester police. AND she made this Vilke dude who has made a career of telling cops that the "excited delirium" killed people in their custody the only outside medical expert in the Prude case. She has backed away from full-throated endorsement recently but also hasn't apologized for this or explicitly retracted her support for Vilke.
#ACAB #AbolishThePolice #NYpol #NYS
#ACAB #AbolishThePolice #NYpol #NYS
What Killed Daniel Prude? The Cops and New York AG Said a Diagnosis That’s Since Been Debunked.
A newly obtained document sheds light on how the disavowed “excited delirium” diagnosis infiltrated the Rochester Police Department before Prude’s death.Chris Gelardi (The Intercept)
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