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For the record, and in the full knowledge that nobody cares, I am no longer a member of a political party. I'm staying on the sidelines in the imminent federal election. What I do in future elections is as yet unknowable.

#auspol I guess.
well I care that you are happy about the decision!

And the forthcoming election... 😱
The election will be a trainwreck in one way or another.
Clivermectin has re-entered the fray with a brand new Trump Party for Australians. Go away, Clive. @AnnonBudgie
Another good reason not to be doing the prepoll how-to-vote handing-out thing. Clive's people have been genial idiots in the past, but with this new set-up I reckon they'll be bloody awful to deal with.
Geez, yeah😱 He's sure to be able to find a half dozen Babet-like
MAGAts hanging around. @AnnonBudgie
there have been unrelenting idiot Clive ads on free to air TV...

I get a visceral reaction nowadays when I see a certain shade of yellow 😱