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Managed to finish a blog about my "silly" autistic thingie that I do, which I shared a here a while ago... 😊

And I created two new book quote posts, both based on Terry Pratchett quotes. He has so many good ones...

So now I'll need to dig through some older snaps to see if there are some good ones to use for my Silent Sunday posts, that I've not used yet... 😊

But I've been doing rather well with the blog, I think. Dunno if all the posts will be good according to others, but I definitely did my best. That's all I can do while writing I guess...

For those wanting to read even more ramblings of mine, besides my long assed toots here, the link to the blog is in my bio. I also try to boost the automated toots of the posts when they go live. 😊

Hope you're all having a good time! #TZAG :chickendance:

#AmWriting #Blog :ablobcatbongokeyboard: