I've had a lot of men complain to me about the post I made about Men's Loneliness. I can understand feeling marginalized, all women can. Now translate that into how women are made to feel every time they post or say anything for thousands of years. We are still fighting for basic rights, to get paid the same, to be recognized. We are in a society where 1 in 4 of us will be sexually assaulted. You might start understanding why so many of us are angry, and have every right to be, when, for instance, someone says, Loneliness is an issue for women too, and you act like you're being attacked. It isn't out of left field to say that many women take up extra emotional labor in relationships. It feels very strange when men keep complaining to me about getting their feelings hurt in a society they both created and continue to use to oppress women. We understand that it's not every man, but it's still way too many. If you're a kind and fair man, the post was never about you, I love all the kind and supportive men I've met here, but I shouldn't need to put #NotAllMen on every post.
Pistolenkind •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Alex Holst •
Watch how no men will complain to me about this post, even if you boost it.
ceartas •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Sue Briccay :verifiedace: •
It's even worse for women who are also on the margins of 'normal' 🙄 society.
Ricki Gray Area Witch Tarr •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Sue Briccay :verifiedace: •
JimmyB (he/him) •
Mike •
Curious Magpie •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
William Pietri •
William Pietri •
William Pietri •
And dudes, if you're still having trouble understanding it after this, ask me. Don't ask women! Making women responsible for dealing with sexist nonsense is part of sexism. (And if you want to know about that, read Manne's "Down Girl".)
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
JimmyB (he/him) •
Daniel Marks •
Ricki Gray Area Witch Tarr •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Daniel Marks •
Pistolenkind •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Daniel Marks •
JimmyB (he/him) •
@Pistolenkind @RickiTarr
Daniel Marks •
David Mitchell :CApride: •
Then, realize that the reason you feel accused isn’t because there are folks pointing out that a group you belong to is doing awful things, the problem is that members of your group are actually doing awful things. Put your energy into holding your peers to account instead of attacking messengers.
Unpartitioned Variance 50% off •
More than that: Overall, I suspect the people hearing these "how dare you say Not All Men" posts are the men who are least likely to need those messages. They are the men in the social/social-media circles of feminists. They are generally feminists themselves, and are working to advance women's rights and reduce men's abuses. So yelling at men who feel stereotyped in this way is probably even less likely to be helpful than if it was to a general audience.
Finally: Not all men and not all women. As the stigma against reporting sexual abuse has slowly been eroded, our understanding of the percentage of men experiencing abuse has climbed. The best national probability-based surveys are now estimating that the proportion of men who have been sexually abused/assaulted is not far from the proportion of female victims (though still lower). There are many caveats to that, including sex-abuse-adjacent issues like physical violence, economic control, etc. However, the majority of these men are sexually abused by women, though a sizable minority are abused by other men.
Men do bad things. Not all men do bad things. Shaming men for not wanting to be stereotyped as abusers isn't helpful, in my opinion.
I fully realize a huge part of the problem is that there are bad-faith actors who regularly use the facts here--that most men aren't abusers, many men are victims, and many women are also abusers--for misogynistic reasons. That doesn't make the facts stop existing, and it doesn't (IMO) mean broad stereotypes and shouting down anyone objecting to the stereotypes is a helpful way to proceed.
If you'd like academic sources for the claims above, I can get them within a few hours. This is my area of research.
Ricki Gray Area Witch Tarr •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Pascal B •
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
JimmyB (he/him) •
Don Whiteside •
I have been lonely, and it sucked. But it was never something anyone was imposing upon me, even if I wasn’t able to address it at times. It wasn’t a result of someone else’s actions and it wasn’t someone else’s responsibility to fix.
JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
Keen Grasp •
JimmyB (he/him) •
@RickiTarr @donw
Avid Presto •
JimmyB (he/him) •
JimmyB (he/him) •
And the things which push people to the front are usually BS. Good looks. They can disappear in an instant. Sporting prowess: ditto. Etc. Feel like I want to rebel…