Why do we have to opt out of porn (in too many ways to catch it all) when it should be opt in? Are ACE and kids encouraged to join Mastodon or not?
Porn is just as much of an obnoxious timewaster as AI.
Why do we have to opt out of porn (in too many ways to catch it all) when it should be opt in? Are ACE and kids encouraged to join Mastodon or not?
Porn is just as much of an obnoxious timewaster as AI.
Firehorseart lives! •
If you're seeing spam or similar then please report it to your admins.
Every Fedi server has its own moderation rules. If you don't like the standards on your current server you may be best off moving to a more suitable one.
Fedi.Tips •
Usually the policy is that NSFW material is either hidden under content warnings or banned altogether.
Mastodon isn't one platform, it's thousands of different servers with their own independent policies on what is allowed. That's why talking to your server admin is a good idea, they control what is allowed on your part of the network.