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Who Solzhenitsyn was

Who Solzhenitsyn was
Semyon Badash's open letter to Solzhenitsyn, with whom he was in the same camp.
In 2003, Solzhenitsyn's fellow campmate Semyon Badash wrote him an "Open Letter" in which he accused Solzhenitsyn of deceit, snitching, and anti-Semitism.
"Semyon Badash's "Open Letter" published in the American émigré journal Vestnik, No. 15, 2003.
Unfortunately, this is not the only case of your, to put it mildly, inadequate attitude towards your former friends, including people to whom you owe a lot. Ilya Zilberberg's book "A Necessary Conversation with Solzhenitsyn" (Ilya Zilberberg. 14 Colchster Vale. Forest Row. Sussex. Great Britain. 1976). Its author was friends with the Teusza family, who secretly kept your archive. After the Teusha's apartment became unreliable, they, going on vacation, gave it to Ilya Iosifovich Zilberberg. But by that time the Gebists had already tapped the Teushey's cell phone and knew everything in advance. On September 11, 1965, they raided Zilberberg's house, took the folder with your materials, after which both Teusch and Zilberberg were dragged for many weeks for interrogation.
Not only did you not take part in their fate, but you did not show up at Teusz's house for several months, and Zilberberg was even accused of cooperating with the GB. You, of course, were believed in dissident circles, after which this crystal-clear man lived for many years with a stigma that remained on him even after his emigration from the USSR. All his attempts to explain himself to you or to your trusted people came to nothing. In "The Calf" you disparagingly and insultingly called V. Teusch "an anthroposophist who handed over the archive to his proselyte-anthroposophist, the young I. Zilberberg".


Also, Solzhenitsyn's last name has the root of the word lzhe (i.e. lie), It's hard to believe such a liar.
#lie about #USSR
#lies about #Russia #soviet #russian #jewish #history by #Solzhenitsyn #gulag
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