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this was written by #MarcellusWilliams who is still scheduled to be murdered by the State of Missouri tonight at 6 p.m. central for a crime he is totally innocent of according to DNA and the prosecutor who tried him
#freepalestine #Freehumanity
‘The Perplexing Smiles of the Children of Palestine despite the actions of the few,

and excessive retaliation,






buildings demolished,

vanished houses and neighborhoods, hospitals targeted,

U.N. shelters disrespected,



deliberate killing of noncombatants, babies buried alive,


hunger and political starvation,

lack of or no water,

strategic sanitation,

daily terror,

and terrorized daily,

military maneuvering,

moving here and there,

to return back again to nowhere, trauma with all its manifestations, international parleys and hesitation, defiance to the realization of two nations, global aid thwarted,

global amnesia,

siblings and relatives gone forever, parental worries -

in the face of apex arrogance

and ethnic cleansing by any definition. .. still your laughter can be heard

and somehow you are able to smile O resilient Children of Palestine!
the Menedaz bros are 100% guilty of murder, but people think they deserve a break for whatever reason. THREE innocent black men have been lynched by this system, murdered even tho judges and juries and witnesses and dna and prosecuters and the men themselves say they are innocent. Where is Kim Kardashian, why doesnt she care abt these men? And these stories arent even news, let alone worthy of a Netflix special. Fuck this evil country #ACAB #DEFUND #ABOLISH https://apnews.com/article/south-carolina-execution-richard-moore-clemency-e3e74f9309ec23eab220d93b7b0dfc29?utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter
pic of man sentenced to death
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