How can Trumpers justify adding $4 Trillion to the national debt (you know, the one they pretend to care about during Democratic administrations) by extending tax cuts for the corporations and the rich?
"Incoming Senate Finance Committee Chair Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) says that since tax rates are currently low, extending these expiring rates another decade shouldn’t count as costing anything because it wouldn’t “feel” like a change."
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"Incoming Senate Finance Committee Chair Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) says that since tax rates are currently low, extending these expiring rates another decade shouldn’t count as costing anything because it wouldn’t “feel” like a change."
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Osteopenia Powers , •
This is like saying even though your car lease is up this month, leasing another car should count as free because you got used to having a car. Alas, that is not how budgets work."
RememberUsAlways •