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Rashdi Talabi endorsed Trump for office in case anyone is still on the side of the remaining Squad members.
The only way to make sense of it, is that she is scared she will lose support from radicals.
She sits in a safe bubble provided for her by the death of thousands of American veterans.

She is a coward.
There is good chance that Rashdi Tlaib has accepted funding from the Kremlin imo.
With the amounts of money frothing around this election, it's certainly possible and she may not even know.

Yes, just like our DOJ just illuminated in the indictment of Tenet Media, the Kremlin uses intermediaries to make it hard to trace the corruption back to Moscow which is why everyone has to say to themselves, "who does it help if I say such-and-such".
I blame #citizensunited.

Follow the money. Go to the source.
The source in that case is Mitch McConnell and John Roberts or to put it even more plainly, Republicans.