It's weird to me how, despite claiming that your government is not a terrorist organization, as soon as someone completely eliminates the terrorist organization in your country, your government collapses.
@palestine @israel @lebanon @syria @iran @yemen I don't know that you need to be that philosophical about it. You lay down with terrorists, you're a terrorist. Just because you run a state doesn't mean you're not a terrorist when you sleep with terrorists. If the collapse of the terrorist organization "hiding" in your state collapses your state, then you were either fucking or getting fucked by the terrorists all along.
You mean #HTS ISNT a terror org @whknott? U whack if you think THE ELECTED SYRIA GOVT is a terror org but not #WokeAQ. Ill bet you dont even have the vaguest notion who these headchopping scumbags are or where they came from. See the pics biatch. I feel sorry for West. He never knew he was going to be overseeing a terrorist training camp operated by the CIA, as the evac plane's manifest showed.
Wyatt H Knott •
It's weird to me how, despite claiming that your government is not a terrorist organization, as soon as someone completely eliminates the terrorist organization in your country, your government collapses.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
All those advocating for democracy in that structure become #martyrs themselves, leaving the terrorists calling for martyrs in control.
@palestine @israel @lebanon @syria @iran @yemen
Wyatt H Knott •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
@palestine @israel @lebanon @syria @iran @yemen
Heretical_i •
Zionist troll 👉 @palestine @israel @lebanon @syria @iran @yemen
Heretical_i hat dies geteilt