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UPDATED: #BC #SARSCoV2 variants.

NOTE: only 39 samples for most recent week; variant shares may be off

Of those:
XEC.*: 18% (⬇️ 32.1% of 187; ⬆️ 26.4% of 220)
KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.1): 59% (〰️ 59.4%; ⬇️ 62.7%)
MC.1: 10.3% (⬆️ 8%; ⬇️ 9.6%)

https://anarchodelphis.tumblr.com/BCVariants #COVID19


Of the samples collected in B.C. on these weeks, the prevalence of significant variants/lineages are as follows:

- 11/17 - 11/23 - (≤50 samples; 4% threshold)
• XEC.*: 18%
• JN.1.11.1.* †: 71.8%
→ KP.3.* (only KP.3.1.1, MC.1): 59%
→ KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.1): 59%
→ MC.1: 10.3%

† 1 KP.3.3.2 sample counted as JN.1.11.1.*

- 11/10 - 11/16 -
• XEC.*: 32.1%
• JN.1.11.1.*: 67.4%
→ KP.3.* (only KP.3.1.1, ".3.3.2, MC.1 counted) §: 61.5%
→ KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.1): 59.4%
→ MC.1: 8%

§ 2 KP.3 samples & 1 KP.3.3.1 sample counted as JN.1.*

X.X.* in text = X.X & descendants.

X.X.* in graph = all descendants of X.X, except for ones that have their own segment of the week’s bar. Please see "Notes on Usage" section.