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This is upsetting when you realize women are denied hysterectomies if they are single and childfree simply because the wishes of some hypothetical future man I wouldn’t date anyway matter more than ours. And because misogyny is still telling society that all women want to have babies more than anything else because it’s in our DNA or some nonsense like that. And I guess this is an issue with #PCOS as well.

This letter to the editor is interesting to me because this person really needed to point out the difference between the risk in the study and the “relative risk” (in the paragraphs after the one below) and after seeing how they used that to manipulate people re Covid I’m not interested in those numbers.

“According to Dr Barnard and colleagues,1 after a mean follow-up of 12 years, women with #endometriosis had an approximately 4-fold increased risk of ovarian cancer compared with women without endometriosis. The risk increased to almost 10-fold when the analysis was restricted to patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis and/or ovarian endometriomas.1 Consequently, the authors advocate for “improved ovarian cancer screening and prevention strategies among women with severe endometriosis.” However, Bretthauer and Kalager2 argue that “misconception and lack of knowledge among doctors and policy makers about absolute and relative risks obstruct shared decision making and hinder truly informed consent.”


#OvarianCancer #cancer #Endometriosis #hysterectomy
I'm going to guess that Bretthauer and Kalagos are both male, wombless, and free of endo?