Trump claims the people of Greenland have been treated "very bad" by The Kingdom of Denmark, but the US will take over Greenland which will treat the people very good. So today the Republicans held a Senate hearing about the US annexation of Greenland.
The hearing invited an expert from Texas Mineral Resources who explained how Greenland has natural resources which can be used in American electric car batteries.
Guess who were not invited…
The people of Greenland.
The hearing invited an expert from Texas Mineral Resources who explained how Greenland has natural resources which can be used in American electric car batteries.
Guess who were not invited…
The people of Greenland.
LukefromDC •
Once the bodybags started coming home Trump would have a major problem. There is also the fact that people such as myself will be fighting on Greenland's side from inside the US, just as we fight for Palestine.
Any nation threatened with invasion or annexation should call up all their reserves, bring their military to its highest state of readiness, organize all willing civilians into defense militias, and generally prepare for war. No compromise with and no surrender to any colonizing power!
A war of conquest is essentially an armed robbery. My experience in resisting armed robberies has been quite favorable. They tend not to want to have to give some to get some.
GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺 •
LukefromDC hat dies geteilt
Nicolas Dufour •
LukefromDC •
To the South, Panama could request assistance from their neighbors to defend the Canal zone-and threaten to close the canal to US shipping or even block it outright when the first US boot touches their soil.
Canada is a large nation and with help from insurgents inside the US should be able to hold their own at least in a guerrilla war. They might also get assistance from First Nations tribes that don't want to be ground under Donald Trump's bootheels, but that's a maybe due to Canadian resource colonialism directed at First Nations people.
If Trump can be baited into launching these attacks simultaniousy, his forces will be divided in a 3-front war.
Also note that most of the forces the US would be fighting have the same weapons as the attackers, giving technical parity or close to it, again rather like Ukraine.
Justin Macleod •
Randahl Fink •
Justin Macleod •
LukefromDC •
Justin Macleod •
C. •
#USA #America #TrailOfTears #FirstNations #genocide
LukefromDC hat dies geteilt
Darcy •
If they invade Greenland article 5 of the NATO Treaty would be invoked starting a war between the US and the rest of NATO.
Maybe the NATO countries should send some troops and equipment to stage up in Canada.
Gagetown, Petawawa, Shilo, Suffield and Wainwright could house thousands.
LukefromDC hat dies geteilt
LukefromDC •
That takes time. Even fighter jets have to be ferried across thousands of miles of ocean with tanker support all the way.
A public threat by NATO to expel the US and invoke Article 5 could probably nip this in the bud.
Darcy •
Nicole Parsons •
Hitler & Stalin didn't invite Poland to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact that started WW2 either.
Trump is part of a global effort to convert 126 democracies into three spheres of control with Musk & oligarchs as political commissars.
1. Xi & Asia
2. Putin & Europe
3. Trump & the Americas
With Africa split between Putin & Xi.
What the Oligarchs Really Want -
Bernie Sanders ( hat dies geteilt
Craig Duncan •
2.Palestinians in Gaza
5. Panama
The pattern is clear.
LukefromDC hat dies geteilt