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The home front: Could the Los Angeles fires happen in Australia? Experts say yes. Indeed, house to house ignition happened in 2003 Canberra fires 510 houses, 2009 Victoria #BlackSaturday fires > 2000 houses; 1994 Sydney fires 100 houses.
#bushfire #ClimateCrisis #Wildfire
It's not really a case of could, but more a case of has happened, and will happen, but not in inner suburbia. Fires require fuel (trees and mounds of leaf litter), and strong winds to drive them. We call them Bushfires for a reason.
weather conditions are important, but also extent and maintenance of the urban forest and urban parklands. Peri-urban suburbs in Sydney’s northern beaches, northern suburbs, southern suburbs, even Lane Cove have a fire risk As does around Mount Dandenong in Melbourne.

Yes, inner suburbs are at very low risk, perhaps slightly higher near vegetated Creek corridors.
Yep. When was it that Morrison went to Hawaii to avoid the Sydney fires?
that was in 2019. The 2003 Canberra fires jumped from pine plantations into the suburbs and destroyed 510 houses.