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What's wrong with this ABC news strap? There are no SMR octogenarians (which is directly what Peter Dutton was referring to) in the world. If factcheckers have been over these sorts of claims then the ABC cannot simply throw up a headline like this. It's misinformation. #auspol

Peter Dutton is specific here about small modular reactors lasting 80 years. He's not talking about any other type of nuclear energy technology. So, how is that possible when no SMR octogenarians exist? #auspol https://aus.social/@Qldaah/113598510205918637
All he’s doing is spouting ridiculous rubbish out of the biggest hole in his head. No facts or truth behind it.
my biggest concern is the disproportionate amount of time our media gives to him, and what was in this instance, the announcement of a candidate.
Remember prior to the last election the media presented Albanese, former Deputy PM and leader of the house as "unknown"?
Our media is letting our democracy down.
They do it all the time especially straight after Labor say something, the LNP get the right to reply. I notice the government of the day doesn’t get the same right after a Dutton & co announcement!
Lifespan is such a bullshit comparison.

Wind power has a payback time of around 1 year. As in, after 1 year of operation it will have created enough power to pay back the construction and decommissioning costs of the turbines. Whereas for nuclear power the payback time is decades.

The lifespan of a wind farm might well be 19 years, but in that time it will have paid for itself many times over. We can then choose to build a new one or build somethings else. Meanwhile, the nuclear reactor will still not have reached break-even in that time.
Media still failing to point out that wind is available now at compatibly little cost compared to bukleer which is nowhere in sight and would be the largest gift Australia ever saw if it comes off.

But that's media's job now i guess since it's largely controlled by one person who doesn't even live here anymore.
