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They should never have been part of the second chamber in the first place. Iran is I believe the only other country in the world that mandates particioation in legislation for a religious group.

But if we are going to expel members of the HoL for vindictive, spiteful, money grabbing behaviours then there are a lot of other candidates to go as well!


#AbolishTheLords #UkPolitics #ReformWestminster #LaughingStock
First time I can remember anyone explicitly writing about the godders for a long time though.
They have been busy making their own 'news' for quite a while....
Welby just being the latest of them. Does he have to remove himself from the Lords now he's resigned as Archbish, or is he another paedophile apologist who gets to stay there all his natural?
no it goes with the job so he leaves I think
Unless he's Lorded up as well, I guess.