Hidden behind this budget is a terrible bombshell: billions in cuts for disabled people
One analysis of Labour’s plans (I use the term in the loosest sense) for people with disabilities in the UK (well certainly England and Wales). I will not be affected but I know of many who will be. I wonder whether Labour will challenge the albeit brief summary? Note I refuse to use the term ‘benefits' in my hashtags.
#Disability #UK #Support #UKPol #LabourPromises
One analysis of Labour’s plans (I use the term in the loosest sense) for people with disabilities in the UK (well certainly England and Wales). I will not be affected but I know of many who will be. I wonder whether Labour will challenge the albeit brief summary? Note I refuse to use the term ‘benefits' in my hashtags.
#Disability #UK #Support #UKPol #LabourPromises
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