I can't keep up with all the angles and degrees of bad. I guess you saw the SAVE Act got passed? Modi's this week's visiting fascist, so I expect Trump will be handing over Kashmir and asking whether he needs some lebensraum around the Bangladesh border ...
I think there are tiny pockets of resistance making small differences. My brain can't even comprehend how bad it is. They put out their manifesto like, 18 months ago, and even now, no one's standing up on CNN or wherever and saying "this is a fucking coup, get off your fat arses and do something", they're just breathlessly clutching their pearls and waiting for the cavalry.
MiniMia 🏴 🇵🇸 •
Modi's this week's visiting fascist, so I expect Trump will be handing over Kashmir and asking whether he needs some lebensraum around the Bangladesh border ...
Dial M for Madeye 🏴 🇮🇪 •
They're following a game plan and I'm not sure anyone's stamping on it.
MiniMia 🏴 🇵🇸 •