A hack of location data co Gravy Analytics has revealed which apps are—knowingly or not—being used to collect your info.
Some of the world’s most popular apps are likely being co-opted by rogue members of the ad IDU to harvest sensitive location data on a massive scale, with that data ending up with a location data co whose subsidiary has previously sold global location data to US LE -Candy Crush, Tinder, to pregnancy tracking & religious prayer...
#Surveillance #Data https://www.404media.co/candy-crush-tinder-myfitnesspal-see-the-thousands-of-apps-hijacked-to-spy-on-your-location/
Some of the world’s most popular apps are likely being co-opted by rogue members of the ad IDU to harvest sensitive location data on a massive scale, with that data ending up with a location data co whose subsidiary has previously sold global location data to US LE -Candy Crush, Tinder, to pregnancy tracking & religious prayer...
#Surveillance #Data https://www.404media.co/candy-crush-tinder-myfitnesspal-see-the-thousands-of-apps-hijacked-to-spy-on-your-location/
Candy Crush, Tinder, MyFitnessPal: See the Thousands of Apps Hijacked to Spy on Your Location
A hack of location data company Gravy Analytics has revealed which apps are—knowingly or not—being used to collect your information behind the scenes.Joseph Cox (404 Media)