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Facial recognition is expanding in the UK with little oversight, despite privacy risks and biased algorithms.

The #DataGrabBill will only widen the regulatory gap over the use and rampant collection of biometric data for surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition

'As part of its bonfire of regulations' the #DataGrabBill will scrap the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner in the UK.

The Bill moves the Commissioner's duties to the Information Commissioner's Office and removes the Surveillance Camera Code governing police and local authorities.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition

The outgoing Biometrics Commissioner has warned that regulation is falling behind advances in biometric surveillance.

The #DataGrabBill will gut the controls on the use of facial recognition and Automatic Number Plate Recognition, allowing for intrusive surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition #surveillance


Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt