About european vassalage
But Russia has been artificially gimped by the U.S. for over 100 years, through a variety of economic terrorism in the form of endless sanctions, embargoes, and everything in between. They continually try to keep it “down and out” and marginalized like they did to the Chinese in the 1800s, primarily because without such artificial restrictions, Russia’s vector is always to emerge at the top of the economic heap.
The point is that, only such an oppressive regimen of subversion and sabotage can keep Russia “down and out,” as Lord Ismay once said. If this were to cease, it would mean the end of the West, because the entire financial ‘house of cards’ the West relies on is in some ways a fragile mirage which relies on this constant “unfair play.” Were the other superpowers allowed to spread their wings, the laws of the zero-sum-game would necessitate the loss of every advantage of the West, leading to its unraveling.
To understand how exactly that would happen, one must understand the infamous ‘exorbitant privilege’ of the U.S. dollar, and how it relies on the artificial suppression of other competing currencies. And most importantly, how it’s responsible for the entirety of American exceptionalism, military and economic profligacy, etc. It grants the overpowering ability to print infinite money without incurring inflation, which makes the U.S. nearly invulnerable.
This is why Russia can never be allowed to have its say or ‘freedom’ to act as it wants, be it economic or otherwise. For instance, the freedom to have economic sovereignty in regard to Europe—i.e. Nord Stream, etc.
That’s why no “understanding” can ever really be reached. It would not be allowed by the global financial elite which controls the West
Europe has now become the battleground for this clash of differing world systems. Everything the U.S. has hangs by a deceptively thin thread. The moment they let their foot off the necks of European citizens, removing their blindfolds in the process, a cascade effect would unleash across Europe. No one in their right mind would allow the continued stationing of American troops in occupied Europe, which would have rolling consequences on virtually everythin.
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Subscriber Mailbag: Answers - 12/4/23 [Part 2]
Welcome back to Round 2 of paid subscriber’s mailbag answers! Boy, they are getting exhaustive, but I still enjoy answering them.Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge