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pretty damn soon it's going to be 5 years since the 2020 uprising, and guess what?? #minneapolis still doesn't have a new 3rd precinct police station, its police force is still down 40%, and they are desperately advertising for new recruits on /reddit/ lmaooo

also, the old police precinct still has its burned facade in plain view, despite the city now having placed banners there saying "cleanup efforts are underway". it's like the city government decided "you know what, we're just gonna leave this burned facade here to remind the world how terrible it was" while everyone else is like "hell yeah! love that the burned facade is still there remind the world how awesome that was!"

so yeah, turns out #RiotsWork, at least a lil
Police recruiting has been severely hit nationally. Apparently a major driver is people's families don't want them becoming cops. This makes it hard to do things like hiring more cops to sweep the tent cities every day, run an effective Department of Abortion Control etc.

In DC, I had the sheer joy in 2020-2021 of cop-free outdoor Gay cruising because all the available cops were busy elsewhere.

Direct action gets the goods!
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"pacifists hate this one simple trick!"
Portland main police HQ is still boarded up with plywood and looking ugly af. Nice to know they're still traumatized and we're living in their heads rent-free.

LukefromDC hat dies geteilt

You forgot the most important aspect of this all, violent crime and crime in general has gone down.

…… but I like some crime :(((