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looking for for bots which let you easily search/embed links to a wiki in a chat

(specifically where wiki = #mediawiki and chat = #mattermost)

#wikilink #wiki
user story:

I start typing a message in a chat. When I type `[[` a search pops up where I can type-query for a wiki page I'm looking for

(I realize this might rather require an extension for the chat in question)
looks like the auto-link plugin would do the linking, but not the auto-completion. It's likely not possible to add this sort of auto-completion as in a mattermost plugin.
oh shame. Because you can't do queries from an extension?
I spoke too soon, it may be possible by adding "root components" as described here (but it's more likely to break on upgrades): https://developers.mattermost.com/integrate/plugins/components/webapp/
their 'app' thing might also work...