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Alternative spaces in #Leipzig are dominated by indoor #smoking

How best to break this default? Focus on it's exclusionary effect? That it funds Megacorps? That it weakens the bodies of people who supposedly want to struggle?
It's cold out, and I would love to be able to go some place where comrades hang out and I don't need to wash all my clothes the next day.
I don't know because I last had this problem in high school in Milan... The only approach I know is to overwhelm people with data until they decide smoking is too painful for their ears.
I'm wondering: is this something, the locations are talking about, internally?
apparently some places have done smoke free evening in the past, but it still dominates.

It seems it is too 'normal' to talk about... I'm not involved running any spaces in Leipzigm so not sure it organizers are talking.

I'm thinking a poster campaign with some nice socialist realism could work...
Some places allow smoking after a certain moment.

Something normal yes. Probably people don't think it is worth the defending answers. Because it's partytime, right?

And I assume locations may be worried, that visitiors will go somewhere else. But if a music-club, for example, feels smoking is more important than the music, they lack the confidence in what they have to offer.
Maybe they just don't know what the public really wants and think most like the smoking atmospere.
There's an awful lot to laugh about about the UK but one thing it's got going for it is that smoking in any enclosed public space is banned.
