There are a few of us wriring in the #AtoZChallenge / #AtoZChallenge2024, but we're not all seeing everyone. Can I get boosts please to help find others?
Please reply if you're not listed! I've seen posts from:
@CoinOfNote (ME! Coins and tokens)
@TarkabarkaHolgy (Romance tropes)
@timsbrannan (Dungeons & Dragons)
@dvmheather (authors you should read)
@mattp (Tech & other)
@nedhamson1 (Africa)
@AimeeHill (Maybe?)
@trivvieliz (The UK)
Please let me know any others!
Please reply if you're not listed! I've seen posts from:
@CoinOfNote (ME! Coins and tokens)
@TarkabarkaHolgy (Romance tropes)
@timsbrannan (Dungeons & Dragons)
@dvmheather (authors you should read)
@mattp (Tech & other)
@nedhamson1 (Africa)
@AimeeHill (Maybe?)
@trivvieliz (The UK)
Please let me know any others!
Belchion •
@CoinOfNote @TarkabarkaHolgy @timsbrannan @dvmheather @mattp @nedhamson1 @AimeeHill @PamPortlandWriter @trivvieliz
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