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#labormovement #organize #solidarity #unions #iww
Revolutionary Unionism and an introduction to the IWW

December 8th 2024
Westminster, MD

Visit: https://forms.gle/r6jkjDqasr8XisIC8
How Bosses try to beat the Union 
playing the family card 
Predicting catastrophe
Divide and conquer 
Manufacturing dissent
But eventually …

Left cartoons by B.Deutsch Colorado’s by F.Young
Rebel Arts poster
Two workers hold up their arms with clenched “solidarity” fists and a banner
Workers get Wise !
  O R G A N I Z E
A woman tv documentary presenter looks at camera standing next to “Santa Claus statue”

Three panels

First panel text:
The Good children will get lots of presents
And so, it turns out, will the bad children.

Second panel text: 
In fact, the only ones who won’t get very much are the poor children.

Third and final panel text:
That’s because Santa judges a child’s goodness based largely on parental income.
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