PIVOT! PI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VOT! If your life is careening into oblivion, this week's Three Minute Reset is a must read.
#3MR #pivot #stress #wellness #mindset #MentalHealth #life #blog
#3MR #pivot #stress #wellness #mindset #MentalHealth #life #blog
LIFE LESSON Over the past 5-10 years, we have collectively been experiencing a relentless influx of chaos. Pivots are seldom pleasant, but facing what seems like an insurmountable number of changes in such a prolonged time can be demoralizing and scary.
LIFE LESSON Over the past 5-10 years, we have collectively been experiencing a relentless influx of chaos.Molly Cantrell-Kraig (www.linkedin.com)