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How many rich people will be "assisted to die"? How many of us cannot afford expensive private medical care?

It is a cost-saving exercise. Palliative end-of-life care costs money. Assisted suicide is cheap. #assisteddying #assistedsuicide

I disagree. Rich people can afford end of life care, the rest of us just get left to suffer. I want the choice not to suffer. If palliative care is improved that is great and should be done. I still want the choice. My body etc.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

me too. The argument for palliative care is a sound one. But it cannot trump anyone’s right to determine that they want to end their now life. I’d go further and say: for any reason that I choose as well. No one has the right to force me to live if I want to die nor to prosecute someone who has helped me if I choose freely.

Yes we will also have cases of coercion. I don’t know the answer to that other than to create a better society.
Yes, I suspect that the argument about coercion is a bit like the safety argument about trans women using female toilets : if someone wants to abuse the system, they will anyway. We shouldn’t design out laws around a tiny proportion of bad actors at the expense of those who have benign intentions.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt