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Many people complain of being overwhelmed by the news. They talk about the importance of self-care. Fascists *want* their opponents to prioritise self-care. This is a goal of shock tactics.

The right response is resistance, to convert that anxious energy into action. Join groups, boycott billionaires, disconnect your life from the system in all practical ways, and learn to live with the inconvenience of being in the #resistance.

#fascism #news
Nobody wants his opponents to be in active opposition. Each moment of self-care is no moment of opposition. To prioritise self-care is to deprioritise opposition. This is just logic.

Soldiers need to eat, sleep, and tend to their wounds. But these are not priorities. When they must march, they march.
Please do not take the soldier analogy literally. Stay with the logic.
@Activersity Got no more time for this, sorry.