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We have a bracket!!

#MinCup23 is coming fast and we’re scrambling to get ready. Our website has this year’s mineral list, starting bracket, and even a test vote if you want to warm up your polling muscles: https://www.mineralcup.org/
A 32-mineral elimination bracket for Mineral Cup 2023. From top to bottom in pairs alternating from left to right, the competitors are Moissanite vs Kaolinite, Cinnabar vs Quartz, Fluorapatite vs Zircon, Stibnite vs Sodalite, Dioptase vs Crocoite, Topaz vs Goethite, Vivianite vs Cavansite, Corundum vs Lawsonite, Mercury vs Sepiolite, Ammineite vs Adamite, Calcite vs Opal, Galena vs Perovskite, Cacoxenite vs Bischofite, Arsenuranospathite vs Neptunite, Sapphirine vs Kyanite, and Rhodochrosite vs Lizardite.