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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: The Theory and Practice of Resistance, Episode 8: Emigrating from the United States - 17 Useful Tips, Facts & FAQs https://therevolutionwillnotbetelevised.net/#episode7 is now live on our site, Peertube, & YT.

Leaving can be an act of resistance. This episode offers 17 useful tips and facts, answering common questions we've been hearing a lot lately from friends in the US who are thinking of taking their lives, their skills and creativity and energy, elsewhere.

We of course acknowledge that these tips are for folks with the privilege of not being in immediate danger and having some resources for their move.

#Resist #Resistance #Emigrate #Visas

In my case, no travel documents. Not a big problem for me though as my intention is to stand and fight. I also accept that's not for everyone to be a warrior, but I've been fighting scumbags like this all my life.

If you see me running, I am probably trying to get out of the trap and then circle behind the enemy, like I did during a number of failed kettle attempts by cops in DC.

When cops think they are about to kettle protesters or rioters, having a line of more appear behind them is a real morale-breaker. I've seen it force them to withdraw, and if you can force a chaotic withdrawal it can turn into a rout. So it is in a riot, so it is in a revolution.