Trying to migrate my whole #Nigerian family from #WhatsApp to #Signal 😅 Digital communication has been a godsend for Nigeria. I grew up with my aunties having to buy a calling card, find a call center, place a call with horrible connection. My parents had to yell to be heard and there was always a delay. Now we can talk, text, video call with ease. These tech advancements have been like magic. Migrating to #NonCorporate apps is the final puzzle piece.
ConnectionWithWonder •
JimmyB (he/him) •
naught101 •
My friends are mostly on signal, but some of my partner's friends aren't, I'd also love to know what works. I think with my friends it was having a small core group that moved first, due to security concerns (activist group).
ConnectionWithWonder •
JimmyB (he/him) •