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Trying to migrate my whole #Nigerian family from #WhatsApp to #Signal 😅 Digital communication has been a godsend for Nigeria. I grew up with my aunties having to buy a calling card, find a call center, place a call with horrible connection. My parents had to yell to be heard and there was always a delay. Now we can talk, text, video call with ease. These tech advancements have been like magic. Migrating to #NonCorporate apps is the final puzzle piece.
no one in my family wants to use signal!
me neither… it’s annoying me!
Have you asked them why? Also, have you tried quitting the corporate alternatives, and telling them why?

My friends are mostly on signal, but some of my partner's friends aren't, I'd also love to know what works. I think with my friends it was having a small core group that moved first, due to security concerns (activist group).
they don’t see the reasoning I think! They can’t be bothered and think I’m making a fuss about nothing.
it’s the loss of contacts - they’ve said they will run WhatsApp and signal if I want them to - and I think I do…