#thailand #israel #lebanon : #war / #hezbollah / #migrants / #killings / #civilianwarvictims
„Following the death of 4 Thai citizens in rocket attacks on northern Israel, the government in Bangkok has called for better protection for agricultural workers. (…) Thailand called on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease all retaliatory measures & restore regional peace. The workers were killed yesterday in an attack by … Hezbollah…“
(Source; german only:)
„Following the death of 4 Thai citizens in rocket attacks on northern Israel, the government in Bangkok has called for better protection for agricultural workers. (…) Thailand called on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease all retaliatory measures & restore regional peace. The workers were killed yesterday in an attack by … Hezbollah…“
(Source; german only:)
Nahost - Thailand fordert von Israel besseren Schutz von Landarbeitern
Nach dem Tod von vier thailändischen Staatsbürgern bei Raketenangriffen auf Nordisrael hat die Regierung in Bangkok einen besseren Schutz von Landarbeitern gefordert.Die Nachrichten
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