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Tuesday’s silver lining: the risk of #civilwar in the near future was diminished by virtue of undermining the premise of a stolen election.

The next very dark cloud: any #pandemic would leave us helpless, even one that really was made in a lab in China this time.

Not to mention the impending cumulative and overlapping climate-related storm damage response, and eventual relief shortages.

ref: https://mastodon.social/@rexi/113411373849934676
Fans of #civilwar as a modern political solution:

Please know this: peer-reviewed science states emphatically that your entire accrued personal wealth, and that of your children, will likely disappear forever as a result.

Most of the world’s poorest nations have civil war to thank for their present economic woes.

So, if you don’t care about human suffering, maybe you do about your own pocket-book.
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Instead of a major civil war, disfavored groups like us LGBTQ folks in FL might have to fight desperate last-stand insurgencies to avoid being rounded up. If the Civil Service types can't get control of Trump before he boots them all out, existing GOP bigots throughout the South may get a total free hand.

I am hoping CA finally follows through with their talk of seceding from the US. Trump won't be able to fight them without the risk of triggering secession by the NE states too.

Also the roles are now reversed on the Eagle Pass/nullification question. What happens when Trump announces plans to "sweep" Latinx neighborhoods only to have a state Governor declare their state a sanctuary state and back it up with National Guard troops to defend against ICE?

What happens if the California State Police threaten to arrest any out of state cop or FBI agent trying to bring harm to any women arriving in California for an abortion.