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1/ Gestern bin ich ja auf dem Weg zur Arbeite irgendwie in so eine Blockade von Klimaaktivist*innen geraten. Ich dachte, heute ist bestimmt wieder was und ich bin mal schlauer und fahre einfach früher los. Irgendwann fuhr dann Polizei mit Blaulicht an mir vorbei und ich dachte: Oh, nich schon wieder. Ich bin dann weitergefahren und hörte Unter den Linden eine Demo. Ich wunderte mich: Demo zu nachtschlafender Zeit? Bin aber schnell weiter. Grad noch rechtzeitig dran vorbei. Und dann doch wieder Blockade! Mit nem Transporter und #LockOn.

#LetzteGeneration #Adlon #LNG #GasGipfel
Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation blockieren mit einem Transporter und Lock-Ons einen Eingang des Hotels Adlon, in dem ein Gas-Gipfel stattfindet. Berlin, 10.12.2024
2/ Blockade des Hintereingangs des Adlons durch die #LetzteGeneration.

#Gas #GasGipfel #LNG #Adlon
Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation blockieren Eingang des Hotels Adlon, in dem ein Gas-Gipfel stattfindet. Berlin, 10.12.2024
3/ Also der Reihe nach: Ich fuhr da am Adlon vorbei und mir fiel auf, dass da ein paar Aktivist*innen hinter der Absperrung waren. Ich holte die Kamera raus und begann zu fotografieren. Das #Adlon war bewacht und weder die Security noch die Polizei was amused.

#LNG #WorldLNGSummit #LetzteGeneration

Security und Polizei versuchen Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation an Blockade des Eingangs zum Hotel Adlon zu hindern. Aktivistinnen beginnen, sich festzukleben. Berlin, 10.12.2024
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
4/ Nach meinem Kenntnisstand hat eigentlich die gesamte Berliner Polizei Rücken, weshalb sie #Schmerzgriffe einsetzen muss, statt Aktivist*innen zu tragen. So ist jedenfalls immer ihre Aussage. Dieser Polizist war aber total fit oder hat seine Gesundheitsprobleme kurzzeitig vergessen. Er warf jedenfalls mehrere Aktivist*innen und sogar auch einen Security-Mann durch die Gegend.

In der Bildmitte kann man den Mann von 3/ sehen, den er dorthin geworfen hatte.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
5/ Menschlicher Intelligenz und künstlicher Intelligenz passieren mitunter Kategoriesierungsfehler. Der um sich werfende Polizist hielt den Security-Mann vom Adlon, der auf 3/ Aktivist*innen daran hindern wollte, den Eingang zu blockieren, auch für einen Aktivisten und warf ihn kurzerhand auf die anderen drauf. Der Secu fiel ungebremst nach hinten und hätte ihn nicht eine Aktivistin abgefangen, wäre er wohl hinten gegen das Geländer geknallt.
Polizist wirft Security-Mann vom Adlon mit Migrationshintergrund über Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation. Bei  Blockade der LG am Hintereingang des Adlons während des World LNG Summits, Berlin, 10.12.2024

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
6/ Irrtümlich von Polizisten in eine Gruppe von Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation geworfener Security-Mitarbeiter des Adlons kehrt zurück zum Eingang. Weitere Aktivistin nutzt die Möglichkeit, die Absperrung zu überwinden. Aktivist*innen sind miteinander verklebt und mit dem Boden. Rechts kleben sich welche an. Blockade des Hotels Adlon während des #WorldLNGSummit im Hotel #Adlon, #Berlin, 10.12.2024

#LetzteGeneration #ZivilerUngehorsam
Irrtümlich von Polizisten in eine Gruppe von Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation geworfener Security-Mitarbeiter des Adlons kehrt zurück zum Eingang. Weitere Aktivistin nutzt die Möglichkeit, die Absperrung zu überwinden. Aktivist*innen sind miteinander verklebt und mit dem Boden. Rechts kleben sich welche an. Blockade des Hotels Adlon während des World LNG Summit im Hotel Adlon, Berlin, 10.12.2024
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
7/ Aktivist*innen der #LetzteGeneration haben sich an den Händen miteinander verklebt. Polizisten prüfen, ob sich die Hände lösen lassen.

#Adlon #Berlin #WorldLNGSummit

Aktivist*innen haben sich an den Händen miteinander verklebt. Polizisten prüfen, ob sie die Hände lösen können. Während der Blockade des Eingangs und der Tiefgarage des Hotels Adlon durch die Letzte Generation während des World LNG Summits. Berlin, 12.12.2024

Doug Webb hat dies geteilt

@Doug Webb , @Stefan Müller :verified: Klima-Jugend in ihrem eigenen Stil.

The Germans are going through another phase of climate care. There better be no luck in this neocolonial initiative of yours.

bro what are you talking about

I appreciate you liked my calendar-wheel diagram years ago, but I really don't appreciate your periodic, bad-faith and ungrounded snarks

talk or stop or block
@Doug Webb
bro what are you talking about
As a resident of your raw resource colony, i say bluntly: irresponsible promotion of a neo-colonial climate change agenda does you no honour. Sure, it's fashionable and norm for youth in the West, but here, outside your colonial metropolises, this policy threatens living things. The poster above is a demonstration that there is nothing new in your agenda - it is a regular Nazi tradition:
It's a mediocre Western tradition:
Moreover, the European Greens, in whose interests your climate promotion works: were founded by real Nazis:


etc etc

From the outside you are not much different from your ancestors in this matter. You're probably already sincere to genocide, for the sake of ‘your’ ideas (about saving the climate):
Look, I am an anarchist. I reject the choice between green prison and liberated wasteland.

I guess you are talking about how the mainstream thinks that green = "green growth", electric cars, etc. In my mind, the global North/West absolutely needs to consume way less and, like you say, stop being the worlds jailers.

Interesting points about the nazi -> Greens history. Not surprising, hope they've distanced themselves, but also: the green party in Germany suck. Pretty sure they're not...
...much better elsewhere. (P.s. I am not German?)

In any case: bad people holding an idea does not make that idea bad. Ideas must be talked about on their own merit, not attacked ad hominem, and you are smart enough to know that.

Which bit of the climate "agenda" do you take issues with? (I take issue with the overwhelming focus on CO2, although I think it very serious) Also interested to hear about your climate activism more generally.

Ha ha, I wish I got paid for my posts!!
so, let this be proof to you that I am not here just to "talk to my own".

If you want to continue please assume a bit more good faith, make less personal assumptions about me (my ideas, my personal history, nationality, etc). Oh, and the nazi refs. You broke Godwin's law, and now I have to mention them too... just don't, unless it is truly, causally relevant.

I am actually a bit curious to know how you went from climate activist, to thinking that a LNG conference is good 🤔
@Doug Webb
I am actually a bit curious to know how you went from climate activist, to thinking that a LNG conference is good 🤔
It may come as a shock to you. I'll tell you how disappointed i am with this agenda: at a secret anarcho-primitivist fest in the woods on the Oka River, i met a veteran of local movement. I used to hear many times about dubious grants (from critics of the climate movement), but i didn't believe it, i thought it was fiction, because i was judging by myself - after all, i was doing everything sincerely, not to make money, but for the sake of the idea. I asked this well-known person in tight circles to see if the critics were wrong..... And he began to be embarrassed, to justify himself, to say that he received almost nothing from this US fund, everything was taken by the main leader. I couldn't even think that this was true, if someone else had told me this about them. And they called themselves anarchists. After that, i began to research the topic with purpose. At a certain point i became familiar with fringe areas of science, which made me completely rethink my ideas about the world based on western mass culture.

The fact is that the modern Western worldview is based on a religious foundation of uniformity, developed in Britain, has prevailed in scientific circles as the ideological basis of the universe. One of its most famous proponents was the parishioner at St Mary's Anglican Church, the Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Laws Charles Darwin. A century and a half ago, the Theory of Uniformity was only one of the theories, and academic circles were debating its validity and considering alternative theories. In fact, it is not only an important foundation of trying to stop climate change, but also a component of social darwinism.
Some rich people will always profit from change; some profit from keeping things the way they are. The machinations of (m/b)illionaires is important to understand, but doesn't affect empirical reality.

I feel like you want to make a point, but are avoiding it. The billionaires, paid activism, people having agendas... these are all accessory to the important questions of e.g. does CO2 increase atmospheric energy retention? ...
... Is it worth preserving ancient biotopes and rewilding? Etc. If there is a completely different narrative on all this (which you seem to imply) perhaps just link me to it.

Cool about the planting and battery collection. Do you regret doing it now? Interesting to read the article you linked, always illuminating to hear stories from around the world.
@Doug Webb
Some rich people will always profit from change; some profit from keeping things the way they are. The machinations of (m/b)illionaires is important to understand, but doesn't affect empirical reality.
Even if your empirical reality is due to the media controlled by these rich people?
I feel like you want to make a point, but are avoiding it. The billionaires, paid activism, people having agendas... these are all accessory to the important questions of e.g. does CO2 increase atmospheric energy retention? ...
CO2 is the food of plants. As CO2 in the atmosphere increases - the total mass of plants increases. As CO2 decreases - the total green mass decreases:
Nature: Factorial simulations with multiple global ecosystem models suggest that CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of the observed greening trend
NASA: Rising CO2 Levels Greening Earth
It's the basics. From this basis arises the agenda of reducing the level of this gas in atmosphere. After all, the more plants, the more food, and the more food, the more population. In the last decade, a Rockefeller-funded institute has developed the sophisticated hoax that promotes the idea that crops harvested at elevated CO2 levels are supposedly less nutritious: #^https://ussr.win/display/5b3f0c60c6eb0137a349005056264835
In recent years, this idea has been actively promoted by Western mass media. The entire climate agenda is a layer cake of deliberate deceptions.
All ‘climate science’ is based on hypotheses and assumptions (people learnt to measure CO2 levels less than 100 years ago, and regular observations of local average temperatures - less than 200), which are presented as axioms and consensual solutions. It is essentially a form of organised religion. I went through it, i genuinely believed in it all, and as a result tacitly endorsed the depopulation of the human population for the sake of nature and species diversity (after losing faith in the climate agenda, i certainly don't think so now)
I studied chemistry, continue to have an active interest in the "natural sciences" and know a few things about the philosophy of science: I use the word "empirical" in its specific sense.

"CO2 = plant food." Sure, as is NPK & water. But you don't deny that increased CO2 increases solar heat retention, increases ocean acidity and decreases human cognition?
you bring up the idea of "the climate agenda" being a faith. The exact same argument I aim at "the climate denial agenda" so let's leave it there. There are beliefs and values attached to the perception of facts. Let's talk about those instead of saying their existence is wrong.

For example, it seems you think it would be good for more humans to exist. Why? How many more? What about the rest of life on earth, considering most people on earth want to increase their material wealth?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Wochen her)
the Forbes article: first, I think there is *no* consensus about geoengineering or carbon capture and storage like you say. It could make sense to cut and store wood as described, but unless it was much better argued than in the article, I would say it's a bad idea.
I get the feeling you are much more sure "the climate agenda" is wrong than I think it is correct; that you think it is more unified, and I think it diverse

Also, if you could reply in one thread, it would make it easier to talk.
@Doug Webb
Also, if you could reply in one thread, it would make it easier to talk.
Salut, i tried to answer all your questions honestly and thoroughly. You on the other hand ignored my simple question on the topic to you. Apparently you decided to abandon this thread of communication just when i asked you a question about a specific ‘climate catastrophe’. I confess i have often encountered this before: i call it 'Western supremacy'. For some reason, many Westerners feel entitled to ask a lot of questions to the inhabitants of their colonies, but avoid answering counter-questions. In the spirit: a master does not have to be responsible to his slavs, but not vice versa.

Somehow i got the impression that you are different and willing to be responsible. Was i wrong and you are just a regular follower of the Western European colonial tradition of selective irresponsibility?
I gave you no promise of response rate.
it seems you have a sufficiently large prejudice against people living in the north/west that I'm not going to be able to gain your confidence.
I think it might be better for me to switch medium and do a call, would that be something for you?
@Doug Webb
I gave you no promise of response rate.
Yes, it is. It is better not to make any promises, but just to be responsible.
it seems you have a sufficiently large prejudice against people living in the north/west that I'm not going to be able to gain your confidence.
As you realise, this prejudice did not grow out of nothing, for example, many of my relatives were killed by Westerners who came here ~80 years ago. Now the Westerners are openly funding another war, only to your joy the slavs are killing each other themselves, you don't even have to participate. This is just from personal experience, but if we mention the traditional colonial exploitation of other peoples... Take Africa for an example: your Western progressive ‘renewable energy’ is built on rare earth fossil resources, for example, cobalt mining for climate concerned Westerners is still done with the active participation of child slave labour:
For example, the progressive european recycling of obsolete electronics is done through financial fraud when your technological rubbish is shipped to Ghana:
"Although Africa generates the least of this waste, the continent has been the dumping ground for e-waste from the developed world. The flow of hazardous waste from the prosperous ‘Global North’ to the impoverished ‘Global South’ is termed “toxic colonialism”." - those are not my words, that's a quote from this academic paper.
But of course, the prejudice is mine, not yours. After all, I'm just some Slav, and you are a progressive Westerner, thinking hard about how to build a better society, but who doesn't think it's necessary to be responsible for your statements. I don't deny my prejudice, but i can justify it in detail, there are reasons for it (above are just isolated examples).
I think it might be better for me to switch medium and do a call, would that be something for you?
Please, before you ask me new and new questions, please answer my question to you beforehand, which you ignored. I perceive such demonstrative irresponsibility as a demonstration of Western supremacy. If i answer your new questions after you ignore mine - by doing so i will accept your hierarchy in which you are the master and i am the slave. I wouldn't want that. So please try to maintain equal and peer-to-peer communication without trying to demonstrate your superiority.


Also, if you could reply in one thread, it would make it easier to talk.
(as you can see, here i am asking you to do what you asked me to do earlier: try to treat others as you would like to be treated)
but I did reply in one thread?
@Doug Webb
but I did reply in one thread?
You have created three new threads by responding to one comment of mine.

Please, before you ask me new and new questions, please answer my question to you beforehand, which you ignored. I perceive such demonstrative irresponsibility as a demonstration of Western supremacy. If i answer your new questions after you ignore mine - by doing so i will accept your hierarchy in which you are the master and i am the slave. I wouldn't want that. So please try to maintain equal and peer-to-peer communication without trying to demonstrate your superiority.
no, I wrote three message in one thread. Not so important.

You copy-pasted that whole section, don't do that.

I'm not going answer any of your questions, so long as you hold me accountable for the (very real) crimes of the west.
@Doug Webb
I'm not going answer any of your questions,
You are a true Westerner, your ancestors would be proud of the way you treat slavs from your colonies: you ask them questions, you get detailed answers, but you don't consider yourself worthy to act reciprocally. This is your inherited privilege: not answering for your words to someone below you in the colonial hierarchy.
so long as you hold me accountable for the (very real) crimes of the west.
I didn't hold you accountable for the (very real) crimes of the West at all, but given your irresponsibility it seems that you have something to hide for some reason. Or is it really just a demonstration of your colonial superiority on your part. In any case, irresponsibility is what you clearly consciously prefer in this case instead of responsibility, this is typical behaviour for Westerners in such situations, rarely is it otherwise.
so I'm a privileged Westerner. Do you still want to talk?
@Doug Webb
so I'm a privileged Westerner. Do you still want to talk?
Yes, it's good that you admit it and don't try to deceive. Unlike you, most other Westerners try to hide their inherited colonial privileges.

Please answer my question that i asked you earlier. Please do not remain unresponsible.
I genuinely don't know which question(s) you are referring to, could you please restate.

And please, leave the side comments.
@Doug Webb
I genuinely don't know which question(s) you are referring to, could you please restate.
Are you familiar with climate change in the Aral Sea? Please summarise what you know about this topic and afterwards i will likely tell you that it's a hoax and what's behind it.
I am unfamiliar with the Aral Sea generally. What I've picked up over the years it that it's shrunk dramatically. I presume that's due to desertification, but perhaps river diversion. I'm not sure what the salinity of the Sea is/was. I'll skim the wikipedia article now.
english wikipedia implies the primary factor to be river diversion:

"The water from the diverted Syr Darya river is used to irrigate about two million hectares (5,000,000 acres) of farmland in the Ferghana Valley."