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WHAT IS #WRONG WITH THE #WESTERN #POLITICAL #CLASS ? #breakdown of #diplomacy #US #Europe #EU

"Why the low competence?

"One of the most common questions people have been asking recently is why our political elites are so incompetent. Since the Ukraine war started they have completely lost control of everything. They misjudged Russia, they botched the sanctions and the war, they are losing control of the western economies, and they are losing control of the non-western world due to the destruction of the “international system.” They fail at everything they do – absolutely everything. Why is this?

The incompetence is a result of the recruitment parameters. They were recruited to destroy, not to build or solve problems. It takes no skill to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. It takes a lot of skill to extract the bullet and repair the damage. Our political elites were hired to shoot the gun. In their demolition task, competence isn’t necessary at all. It takes little skill to destroy even complicated systems. They just pass laws and regulations and others will take care of the rest."

#wef #european #vassalage #mindmanipulation #politics for destroy #economy