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I figured out conditionally adding @octothorpes tags to my blog posts in 11ty! I can simply add an "octothorpes" field followed by a list of tags, and those will appear in the correct HTML, or if I leave out that field, no tags. #11ty #Coding #Programming #WebDev #Blog #IndieWeb #Octothorpes
The front matter of an Eleventy Markdown file:

layout: blogpostlayout.liquid
title: Connecting Notation Programs to Max/MSP
description: Getting Dorico and Max/MSP to talk via MIDI — it really helps my composition!
canonical_url: https://reillyspitzfaden.com/posts/2024/11/connecting-notation-programs-to-maxmsp
date: 2024-11-24
categories: [ "maxmsp", "music", "composition", "electronicmusic" ]
octothorpes: [ "Audio", "music", "projects" ]
tags: post