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A quick note for Australians about Trumpism coming down under. (Cross-posted from BlueSky.)

Just quietly: You know all that talk from Trump about mandatory detention and mass deportation for "illegal immigrants"?

Yeah, that's kinda been bipartisan Australian government policy since the early 1990s.

The election where the populist right wing leader vows to "stop the boats"?

Yeah, that was Howard with the Tampa in 2001 and again with Abbott in 2010.

The election where the centre-left party responds by selecting its own populist leader? We already did that one with Mark Latham in 2004.

Lynton Crosby went over to the UK to teach Boris Johnson all of Abbott and Howard's tricks.

His lobbying firm then set up a US office to upskill the American right: https://www.afr.com/world/north-america/lynton-crosby-lobby-shop-doubles-down-on-trump-s-america-20191218-p53kzd

That's not even mentioning this other chap named Murdoch we sent to America...

As for all this talk about how Trump is set to gut the American federal budget and workers' rights...

What do you think Howard's WorkChoices laws and Abbott's "budget emergency" were?!

And Trump's "war on woke"? What do you think Howard's "culture war" on "inner city elites" was?!
