To celebrate International Women’s Day, entry to the Gender Museum in Aarhus will be free all day on March 8th. Events include:
- a guided tour of the exhibition ‘How Dare You: Gender, Action and Climate Crisis'
- a salon with equal-rights activists
- an exhibition of activist banners
- drop-in crochet
- a singalong with protest songs from the Rødstrømpernes (‘Red Stockings’) campaigns for free abortion, equal rights and equal pay.
#Aarhus #InternationalWomensDay
- a guided tour of the exhibition ‘How Dare You: Gender, Action and Climate Crisis'
- a salon with equal-rights activists
- an exhibition of activist banners
- drop-in crochet
- a singalong with protest songs from the Rødstrømpernes (‘Red Stockings’) campaigns for free abortion, equal rights and equal pay.
#Aarhus #InternationalWomensDay
Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag 2025 - KØN
Kom med og deltag i Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag på KØN, hvor du bl.a. kan høre om køn og klima, se den nye udstilling med aktivistbannere fra museets samling, synge med på rødstrømpesange i caféen og deltage i samtalesalon om kvinders ligestill…KØN