#Budget #UKPolitics This article by Gary Stevenson is so good, please read every word of it.
“Whatever Jeremy Hunt says, traders know the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And they’re paid millions to bet on it.”
This is what the world is - it is run by a minute elite for a minute elite and the rest of us, the masses, the natural world, we just don’t count. It is a #TragedyOftheNonCommons (will reshare my own piece on this below 1/n)
“Whatever Jeremy Hunt says, traders know the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And they’re paid millions to bet on it.”
This is what the world is - it is run by a minute elite for a minute elite and the rest of us, the masses, the natural world, we just don’t count. It is a #TragedyOftheNonCommons (will reshare my own piece on this below 1/n)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
Pauline von Hellermann •
Pauline von Hellermann (@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green)
Mastodon.greenPauline von Hellermann •
“The reality is that the people with the most money have devised, at every turn, new and more bulletproof ways for them to make and keep more money, and for the people who make things to make less. This is the eternal story of labor and management.”
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | Defector
defector.comJimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt
JimmyB (he/him) •
The only way I know of stopping it is if individuals vote with their wallets. Stop using Amazon. Stop buying from any firm which is Private Equity owned. Get involved. Get educated.
Won't happen - but that would be effective.
Pauline von Hellermann •
JimmyB (he/him) •
And yet folks just voted #Labour, desparately hoping that this would change something - and it will change nothing as we are now seeing.
David Palk#RejoinEU 💖🇪🇺 •
GeofCox •
There is certainly evidence that people are already voting with their wallets. I've posted before about the remarkable growth in secondhand shops here in France - driven not by lack of money (many are very trendy and expensive retro-design shops) but by shoppers taking environment-conscious decisions to stop buying new stuff. Last Xmas my family and friends decided together to buy secondhand or home-made gifts - which I would urge everyone to do this year - really, it's much more fun.
Moreover, 2 statistics on this stand out: adjusted for inflation and population, retail sales have been falling overall in most developed countries since the pandemic, and secondhand sales have been increasing - https://www.ft.com/content/9b07bad3-af81-4cd2-a98a-a750fcee9d2e
We are not powerless. Stop feeding the beast !
The relentless rise of second-hand
Richard Milne (Financial Times)JimmyB (he/him) •
Plus - as others pointed out on this thread - some is literally impossible to avoid.
I really would love to be wrong here.