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🎄Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, please enjoy these festive-looking #hedgehogs.🎄
(In the #medieval bestiary, the hedgehog's story usually involved it rolling around and collecting fallen fruit on its quills to bring home to its children - fruit kebabs to go!)
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Metz, Bibliothèque municipale, 1588 f. 72v
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Verdun, Bibl.mun., ms 0107, f. 008
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Morgan Library, MS M.81 (The Worksop Bestiary), folio 10v
"Christmas hedghogs" - detail of an illiustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, two hedgehogs with red and green round fruits on their quills

Bibliothèque Municipale de Valenciennes, MS 101 (Bestiary of Hugh of Fouilloy), folio 189v
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