The cladding crisis prompted by the deaths at Grenfell Tower, has been rumbling on for years, with a complex set of Tory policies rather weakly driven forward by the previous Govt.
Now Labour has set a new deadline for all remediation work to be completed by the end of 2029 or landlords/owners will face 'severe penalties'.
But, the problem of whether remediation is sufficient to safeguard against a repeat of the Grenfell Tower remains, as do the issues about tenants' costs!
h/t FT
Now Labour has set a new deadline for all remediation work to be completed by the end of 2029 or landlords/owners will face 'severe penalties'.
But, the problem of whether remediation is sufficient to safeguard against a repeat of the Grenfell Tower remains, as do the issues about tenants' costs!
h/t FT