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Just because it seems relevant; here's a graphic from Visual Capitalist of world-wide defence budgets... you might be interested or you might not....

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions about what this might all mean.

Chart: The World's 15 Largest defence budgets in 2024
US - $968bn
China - $235bn
Russia - $146bn
Germany - $86bn
UK - $86bn
India - $74bn
Suadi Arabia - $72bn
France - $64bn
Japan - $53bn
South Korea - $44bn
Australia - $36bn
Italy - $35bn
Israel - $34bn
Ukraine - $28bn
Poland - $26bn
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Tage her)
Huh. So UK+France has a bigger defence budget than Russia? That's ... interesting. I didn't realise we were even in the same order of magnitude as Russia.

They're being quite lairy for someone in that position, aren't they.
#Poland's Donald Tusk reminded us of that today:

> "Listen to how it sounds: 500 million Europeans ask 300 million Americans to protect them from 140 million Russians. If you can count, then count on yourself!" Tusk emphasized.

I expected Israel to have a bigger budget.
It doesn't need one. It is regularly boosted by USA...which would be a part of US Defence (or Offence) Budget. @ChrisMayLA6