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The Tory engineered crisis in the NHS is clear in everyday waiting lists & rationing of treatment(s), but it is also perhaps even more seriously evident in the growing projected costs of repairs & maintenance delayed;

moreover, the worse cases (those with most risk of disruption to health care) are growing.... whatever else Streeting thinks will help the NHS, job No.1 has to be the repair of vital infrastructure... AI tools are no help there!

This cannot continue

#NHS #health #infrastructure
Chart: The NHS faces a growing bill to fix high-risk repairs that could cause major disruption & injury. Cost to eradicate NHS maintenance backlog by risk category (£bn in 2023-24 process)

Shows total rising from just over £6bn in 2016 to over £12bn in 2024, with the promotion in the significant or high risk categories growing at a faster rate than low & moderate risk repairs