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While Eva Wiseman's argument might also include men with mental health disorders who find themselves in prison, her central point about the prison system not being a suitable substitute for proper care for the mentally ill is absolutely right;

we have (like so many other aspects of our society) seemed to have returned to the C19th callousness & brutality while claiming there's no alternative.

There's alway an alternative, we just refuse it!

#prison #MentalHealth

Like so many who knew of women detained on spurious grounds in the past, I had assumed that we had learned to be compassionate and clear that when women (or as you say, people) require treatment, then it is treatment they should be given. Eva Wiseman is so often right, never more so than here. It comes back as always to the chronic underfunding of mental health services, always the Cinderella of the NHS, and made worse by the shocking state of UK prisons. A "must read" article.
Please can you just let an article about women's safety be about WOMEN.
Yes, that is a fair comment; but I was also struck by the realisation that much of this would also be encountered by males with mental health issues - mostly I would want to differentiate between the males obsessed ned coverage & the silence on women's plight, but here I thought her points were just as applicable.... Mia, you know I appreciate women's safety as something that needs proper focus on, I hope