"Here are all of the conservative organizations involved with #Project2025" (src https://www.newsweek.com/project-2025-full-list-organizations-proposals-1923240)
* 1792 Exchange
* American Accountability Foundation
* AAPLOG - American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs
* Alabama Policy Institute
* Alliance Defending Freedom
* American Center for Law and Justice
* American Commitment
* American Compass
* American Cornerstone Institute
* The American Conservative
* American Council of Trustees and Alumni
* American Family Association
* America First Legal
* American Juris Link
* American Legislative Exchange Council
* The American Main Street Initiative
* American Moment
* American Principles Project
* The American Family Project
* The American Redistricting Project
* Americans United for Life
* AMAC Action - The Association of Mature American Citizens
* The Bull Moose Project
* California Family Council
* Calvert Task Group
* Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University
* Center for Equal Opportunity
* Center for Family & Human Rights
* Center for Immigration Studies
* Center for Military Readiness
* Center for Renewing America
* Center for Secure Free Society
* Citizens Against Government Waste
* The Claremont Institute
* Coalition for Liberty
* Coalition for a Prosperous America
* Committee for Justice
* Concerned Women for America
* Conservative Partnership Institute
* Consumers Defense
* Defense of Freedom Institute
* Eagle Forum
* Ethics and Public Policy Center
* Fairer America
* Family Policy Alliance
* Family Research Council
* Feds for Freedom
* First Liberty
* ForAmerica
* Forge Leadership Network
* Foundation for American Innovation
* Foundation for Government Accountability
* Freedom's Journal Institute
* The Frederick Douglass Foundation
* Gun Owners Foundation
* The Heartland Institute
* The Heritage Foundation
* Herzog Foundation
* MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates
* Hillsdale College
* Honest Elections Project
* Independent Women's Forum
* Institute for Education Reform
* Institute for Energy Research
* Institute for the American Worker
* The Institute for Women's Health
* Intercollegiate Studies Institute
* Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
* The James Madison Institute
* Job Creators Network
* Keystone Policy
* Leadership Institute
* League of American Workers
* Liberty University
* Mackinac Center for Public Policy
* The Malone Institute
* Middle East Forum
* Media Research Center
* Mississippi Center for Public Policy
* Moms for Liberty
* Mountain States for Policy Center
* National Association of Scholars
* National Center for Public Policy Research
* National Religious Broadcasters
* National Rifle Association
* National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
* Native Americans for Sovereignty & Preservation
* Nevada Policy
* Noah Webster Educational Foundation
* The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
* Project 21
* Pacific Research Institute
* The Palm Beach Freedom Institute
* Palmetto Promise
* Patrick Henry College
* The Patriot Foundation Trust
* Personnel Policy Operations
* Public Interest Legal Foundation
* Protect Our Kids
* Recovery for America Now Foundation
* Republican Overseas Foundation
* SAVE - Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
* STARRS - Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services
* Students for Life of America
* Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
* Tea Party Patriots
* Texas Public Policy Foundation
* Teneo
* Turning Point USA
* Young America's Foundation
* 1792 Exchange
* American Accountability Foundation
* AAPLOG - American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs
* Alabama Policy Institute
* Alliance Defending Freedom
* American Center for Law and Justice
* American Commitment
* American Compass
* American Cornerstone Institute
* The American Conservative
* American Council of Trustees and Alumni
* American Family Association
* America First Legal
* American Juris Link
* American Legislative Exchange Council
* The American Main Street Initiative
* American Moment
* American Principles Project
* The American Family Project
* The American Redistricting Project
* Americans United for Life
* AMAC Action - The Association of Mature American Citizens
* The Bull Moose Project
* California Family Council
* Calvert Task Group
* Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University
* Center for Equal Opportunity
* Center for Family & Human Rights
* Center for Immigration Studies
* Center for Military Readiness
* Center for Renewing America
* Center for Secure Free Society
* Citizens Against Government Waste
* The Claremont Institute
* Coalition for Liberty
* Coalition for a Prosperous America
* Committee for Justice
* Concerned Women for America
* Conservative Partnership Institute
* Consumers Defense
* Defense of Freedom Institute
* Eagle Forum
* Ethics and Public Policy Center
* Fairer America
* Family Policy Alliance
* Family Research Council
* Feds for Freedom
* First Liberty
* ForAmerica
* Forge Leadership Network
* Foundation for American Innovation
* Foundation for Government Accountability
* Freedom's Journal Institute
* The Frederick Douglass Foundation
* Gun Owners Foundation
* The Heartland Institute
* The Heritage Foundation
* Herzog Foundation
* MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates
* Hillsdale College
* Honest Elections Project
* Independent Women's Forum
* Institute for Education Reform
* Institute for Energy Research
* Institute for the American Worker
* The Institute for Women's Health
* Intercollegiate Studies Institute
* Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
* The James Madison Institute
* Job Creators Network
* Keystone Policy
* Leadership Institute
* League of American Workers
* Liberty University
* Mackinac Center for Public Policy
* The Malone Institute
* Middle East Forum
* Media Research Center
* Mississippi Center for Public Policy
* Moms for Liberty
* Mountain States for Policy Center
* National Association of Scholars
* National Center for Public Policy Research
* National Religious Broadcasters
* National Rifle Association
* National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
* Native Americans for Sovereignty & Preservation
* Nevada Policy
* Noah Webster Educational Foundation
* The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
* Project 21
* Pacific Research Institute
* The Palm Beach Freedom Institute
* Palmetto Promise
* Patrick Henry College
* The Patriot Foundation Trust
* Personnel Policy Operations
* Public Interest Legal Foundation
* Protect Our Kids
* Recovery for America Now Foundation
* Republican Overseas Foundation
* SAVE - Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
* STARRS - Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services
* Students for Life of America
* Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
* Tea Party Patriots
* Texas Public Policy Foundation
* Teneo
* Turning Point USA
* Young America's Foundation
Project 2025: Full List of Organizations Behind Proposals
Project 2025 published a handbook proposing an overhaul of the government if Donald Trump wins back the White House in November.Khaleda Rahman (Newsweek)